One fateful evening, amidst the chaotic clash of dice and destiny, three friends found themselves locked in a board game battle of epic proportions. As they deftly maneuvered their meeples across a cardboard realm of wonder, a shared thought emerged from the fog of war: "Why simply enjoy games, when we can inflict ... er, share that joy with the world?" And so, in a burst of delusional grandeur, Llama Mountain was born. With the fervor of caffeine-fueled mad scientists, its creators set to work, determined to craft games that would dazzle, delight, and possibly bewilder the masses.
Transform your sewer monster from cub to champ with six stages of illustrated awesomeness!
Draw from the deck to collect an assortment of underground oddities that will help you advance to the next stage. Special ability cards are scattered throughout, giving you the opportunity to befuddle and bewilder your adversaries.
Each character gets its own guide, so you can breeze through stages without the hassle of card sorting—because life’s too short to untangle decks.